“Georgia always looks forward to her days at Medbourne Pre-school. The ladies are incredibly caring and the setting with its abundance of outdoor space is second to none.” - Parent
Medbourne Pre-school is registered with Early Years OFSTED for a maximum of 24 children per session age 2-5 years. It is in receipt of Nursery Education Funding and is inspected by OFSTED. Please click here to view the latest OFSTED report.
Medbourne Pre-school is a member of the Early Years Alliance and is covered by insurance through this organisation.
Medbourne Pre-school is open to every family in the community. We welcome children from Medbourne, Nevill Holt, Slawston, Hallaton, Ashley, Great Easton, Caldecott, Lyddington, Bringhurst, Drayton, Weston by Welland, Dingley, Brampton Ash, Sutton Bassett, Middleton, Cottingham and surrounding areas from their second birthday until they turn 5. The waiting list is arranged in order of date of birth. It is expected that children will attend at least 2 sessions per week from the age of 3 years.
We welcome you to visit our setting with your child. Please call us on 07762435495 or email to arrange your visit.
We run on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday during term time.
Morning 9.15 - 12.15
Lunch 12.15 - 1.15
Afternoon 1.15 - 3.15
The combination of sessions can be flexible in order to suit your child’s needs.
For insurance reasons parents are required not to leave children unattended before or after these times. On arrival parents should ensure that their child is registered with one of the staff. For security, the door is locked from 9.30 onwards. To gain admittance, please press the bell. Sessions include a period of free play, creative activities, discussion, snack time, outdoor play, stories and songs. Every term includes interesting outings and visitors.
Fees are charged at a rate of £7.00 per hour. All children are entitled to 15 hours free care starting the term after their 3rd birthday. We also accept 2 year old funding and the 30 hours funding for those eligible. There will be a £25 non-refundable registration fee for new joiners (excluding fully funded children).
Please note fees are charged in full for missed sessions. Fees should be paid weekly or half termly in advance. For those eligible, receipt of Nursery Funding requires the completion of a Statement of Undertaking form (which must be checked/updated at the start of every term) and the provision of a copy of the child’s birth certificate.
The staff/pupil ratio complies with the Early Years OFSTED requirements. There are 5 regular staff members most with families of their own. Staff have the appropriate professional qualifications and attend relevant courses as required.