Medbourne Pre-school is a registered charity (1044646). It is run by a management committee of volunteers made up of current and past parents and members of the local community. The committee is responsible for the overall leadership, governance and financials of the pre-school. The responsibility for the implementation and the day-to-day running of the setting rests with the qualified childcare professionals, namely the Leader, Sara Robbins and her team.

The committee meets half-termly, unless more frequent meetings are required. Good communication between the committee, parents and staff is crucial to the smooth running of the Pre-school. At least one member of staff attends each committee meeting and we canvass parent feedback regularly. We also organise an Annual General Meeting (AGM) where all parents are welcome to attend. Fundraising events are also arranged by the committee throughout the year.

Medbourne Pre-school is a member of the Early Years Alliance, which is a support network and provides all registered pre-schools with help and advice for all areas of work. The way in which we run as a committee is governed by our Constitution (PLA 2011) which is available to read on request.

We welcome new members to our committee so if you are interested in finding out more then please speak to Sara or a current committee member.

Chairman Issy Higgs
Treasurer Tony Walters
Secretary Chloe Haywood
Members     Helen Burrows, Julie Faulkner, Hannah Sanderson, Anna Watson, Charlotte Richards, Jess Gladdie, Lucinda Eastley, Rebecca Bolan.