The children have settled well and are enjoying all of our Autumn activities. Highlights so far have included finding and sorting lots of different coloured leaves as they fall from the trees, spotting interesting spiders` webs and generally making the most of our wonderful outdoor space! We have used our senses to admire some lovely shiny conkers and numeracy skills to count and compare them! The children enjoyed a fabulous session with Singing Sally celebrating Fireworks Night and created some beautiful paintings using autumnal colours and pretty chalk drawings of whirly fireworks! Displayed on the wall in the main hall are the rather brilliant self-portraits created by each child using a mirror, a choice of paints and accessories- a lovely celebration of our individuality! 


We have celebrated a successful Summer Term, culminating in (a very hot!) Sports Day,  a jolly seaside-themed Singing Sally session and an emotional 'Goodbye' to our leavers who now move on to the next stage in their lives.  We wish them well and many happy times ahead.   We have also been able to say 'Goodbye' and 'Thank you' to Catherine after 10 years of working at Pre-school.

The new term begins on September 3rd when we shall welcome back our younger children as well as several new families.  We hope that they will all enjoy their time with us and make lots of new friends as we embark on a busy, fun-filled Autumn Term.

April 2024

We are all really enjoying looking at animals and their homes/babies at the moment.  We have also weaved our own nest from moss/twigs/feathers that the children have collected from the wonderful outdoor space we have at the Village Hall. Jane Clarke kindly brought the Pre-school some frogspawn to look at and that has spurred a lot of interest in the children to think and talk about frogs and their lifecycles. 

We are starting to enjoy some warmer days with wild flower hunts inspiring lots of lovely artwork. The final term of the year also means we are working our way towards the end of the sound alphabet and that the older children are readying themselves for their next new exciting chapter!

February 2024

Celebrating the Chinese New Year.

September 2023

After a lovely restful summer, we have been delighted to welcome back all the children to Pre School and also welcome lots of new starters whom, we are sure, will settle in very quickly.  It is so wonderful to hear all their fantastic summer stories and see all their brilliant pictures showing what they’ve been up to! 

We would also like to thank everyone who came and supported the Medbourne Pre School Summer Fete which was a huge success and raised much needed funds for new equipment. Further to this, we are producing children’s sweatshirts with the Pre School logo on as a fundraising opportunity.  If you would be interested in one of these, please either order at the Pre School or contact us using the Pre School email address and we’d be happy to help.

Easter 2023

We were all delighted at Preschool to have a fun-filled `Snow day` when the children marvelled at the twinkliness of our outdoor space- the children worked as a team to build their very own Preschool snowman, which was a lovely end to our Winter Theme.

As the snow melted away and warmer days arrived, the children were excited to discover new pops of colour every day as the snowdrops made way for the daffodils and white violets. The children were inspired to create some gorgeous artwork full of flowers, rainbows and their gardens at home. Learning centred around the birds nesting all around us- the children spent a super playtime collecting all the materials they thought would be useful in a nest- soft moss, bendy twigs, dried grass and tiny feathers- which we weaved into our very own nest which was displayed for parents to admire later in the day. Eight locally hatched hen chicks came in to spend the morning with us and the children spent some lovely quiet time watching them find their wings and taking care of them for the morning, topping up their water throughout and stroking their fluffy feathers.

Later in March, Preschool were delighted to be invited by the Johnson family to spend the afternoon at Rectory Farm in Great Easton- children, parents and staff were all thrilled to be able to hear all about their lambing season and even had the opportunity to help bottle -feed the lambs. The children were so enthused, we spoke lots about what they had seen and learned for days afterwards- we think farmer Fay has most definitely inspired some future farmers!

Indoors, our Sound Table and free-drawing areas have been busy areas as many of the older children develop their skills in forming letters and words, impressing us all with new vocabulary and pencil skills daily!

As the children all prepared for the holidays, they were thrilled that the Easter Bunny had paid them a visit at Preschool- each was able to hunt for chocolate eggs to collect in their little baskets! We were all so impressed with how much kindness the children showed each other, with the elder ones helping the younger children find their eggs for their baskets too. It felt a lovely celebration of all we had shared this term-warmer days, sunshine, arts, crafts, and friendships.

January 2023

Christmas time at Preschool is always full of excitement, perhaps more so this year with all the children`s festive activities able to go ahead without restrictions. During Advent we spent a super morning at the Church in Medbourne with Rev. Stephen Bishop, decorating the magnificent tree together and seeing the lights turned on. The children also enjoyed a brilliant Christmas-themed session with Singing Sally, and it was lovely to end the term with parents invited into Preschool to see the children performing a story entitled “A Star So Bright”.

In January, the children settled quickly back into the busy new term, full of enthusiasm to embrace all the unique learning opportunities lent by the time of year. Many happy sessions were spent exploring the sights and sounds of winter, describing the feeling of crunchy footsteps and the sight of shiny frost on the branches. Something of a winter wonderland was created indoors too as the children produced all sorts of artwork including snowmen pictures using arm-like twigs they had gathered outside.

The children continue to thrive and enjoy learning about the world around them as we turn our thoughts to caring for wildlife at this time of year and try our hands at making seed cake for the birds in our garden